My First Week at PDI

First off, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm still waiting on my furniture but I found a fantastic place overlooking the Bay and it's only 10 minutes from work.
So if I had to describe PDI in one word, it would be 'Happy'. The place is a buzz with good vibe. Everyone seems cheery and eager to work and I think I'm quickly catching the bug. I'll be in training for another month or so but Madagascar 2 (Mad2) looks amazing. My supe and team seem extremely nice and knowledgeable so I'm anxious to get started. Not getting a chance to go home for Thanksgiving, I'll probably spend the holiday going over tutorials and getting ahead of the curve on all this training. I really want to hit the ground running when they give me my first shot. I've already seen the sequences I'll be working on and they look like they are going to be awesome.
I haven't really gotten into anything pipeline-wise so I can't say how complicated it is.. but I hear it's pretty challenging. We'll see here in few weeks.
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